Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our new dog

Asher, our new cute puppy :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

taking a break...

...from writing for a moment. I need to finish this 15k word story by tomorrow night. The deadline is one week from posting, which in my case is on the 1st of September, US CST time (so that'll be around 1pm Manila time on September 2). I'm currently at 6344 words and counting. I'm confident i'll be able to reach the required word count before noon tomorrow. The mods did say they just need the final draft, not the edited version, so whatever I finish writing, i'll be sending over, to heck with the grammar and spelling mistakes.

Okay, so I guess i'm done with my break now.

Back to writing. Ta!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

shopping is tiring...

I never realized how tiring and fun shopping could be until I did it again today. The thrill of scouting shops to find the right pieces of clothing to help create the perfect outfit... The frustration of finding a style you like only to realize the color's not right... And finally scoring the last piece of accessory to complete the ensemble. Man! The things I do for my cousin's wedding! And there are still a few revisions that needs to be done on the dress and the hat... Oh well! Vanity does have a price. It was a good thing the Chris (clover71) was such a great shopping companion. *hugs Chris* But I am dead tired and sleepy. So i'm gonna go to bed and take a nap. Ttyl!

tired and sleepy...

I'm on the night shift today and I am so sleepy right now (eventhough I've slept all morning and afternoon *face palm*). I think my body's no longer used to this shift, but dang! This is where the money's at lol!

I've been discovering a lot of mobile apps that allows me to post to all my blogs simultaneously. However, some of these apps only works using a wifi connection. Just my luck that our country is not that wifi connected yet (except in certain areas which I do not frequent).

And it sucks 'coz my phone unit is a Nokia unit with a Symbian 60 5th edition OS. There aren't a lot of apps that are being developed for this OS nowadays. I am seriously considering buying another unit or availing one from my postpaid mobile network when my contract ends. Ugh, I guess I would have to continue the contract again. However, I am torn between getting an Android phone or another Nokia model. I heard that Android is a good OS, but my cousins are telling me that I should just get an Iphone. So now I am utterly confused. *head desk*

Worse comes to worse, i'll just buy myself a netbook, one that I can bring anywhere. Or an Ipod touch, yeah, probably that.

Alright, Ian (a co-worker of mine) is bugging Drew (another co-worker) of mine to go to Starbucks. I guess i'll join them to buy some coffee and go on a cigarette break. Since I should be working and not blogging. Lol!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Of jobs, headaches and klaine...

My online tutorial classes are done for the day, i'm 200 bucks richer but my head hurts now. I'm back in bed, trying to sleep after drinking medicine for the headche. I'm thankful it's not migraine or I won't be able to even look at my mobile phone's screen. Currently tapping into our house's wifi network. I thank whoever intoduced wifi into mobile phones. He/she/they are a genius!

Anyone watched the latest episode of Glee? It was great! For someone who only watches the Klaine scenes in every episode (sorry, not an avid fan of the show, just the pair), I was glued to my seat during the whole episode! I have to say "Great job!" to the whole cast and to Kurt and Blaine: "You guys rock my world!"

Er... after Draco, Harry and my other fandom ships that is.

On a lighter note, I just finished listening to Tom Felton's latest single "Hawaii". The song's lyrics, beat and tune are quite catchy. He may not have David Archuleta's singing voice but he does know how to hit the right notes and boy can he compose a good song! I think I fell in love with Tom Felton a little more... *swoons*

Alright... Time to sleep, I can feel the medicine kicking in. Off to lalaland for me... Nighty night to those in the same time zone as me and are getting ready to go to bed... Those who are just starting their day, have a great day ahead and stay safe! *hugs*

ranty post

I know that some people can't help falling asleep when riding a public transportation. I don't really care if they snore or something. But when you're twice my size and weight and a guy... that's when I draw the line! Lie on your seat, snore, whatever! But don't effin lean on me as if i'm your effin pillow! And don't look at me as if i'm the meanest person on earth if I shove you back to your seat because my shoulder's starting to ache from the pressure of your weight you moron!Ugh! This is the part I hate the most when I ride public vehicles. I mean, we all get tired, but really... A little consideration towards other passengers won't hurt.Sorry about this, but that guy really pissed me off! Okay, rant done. How's everyone?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Eat all day...

I think all I did today was eat... No wonder i'm gaining weight lol!

Long day ahead...

Meeting friends, mailing some postcards then work at night. I can just imagine how tired i'll be when I report to work later.

Wish me luck!

Nighty night

Playing with this app I downloaded. Really cool as it allows me to update my blogsites simultaneously.

Tired now. Off to lalaland.

Night everyone!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Going home...

I had a long day... Running errands, work and other stuff. So glad i'm on my way home. Looking forward for tomorrow :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fun and birthday greetings...

Time flies when you're having fun! I can't believe it's already Wednesday and my fave Nsync member's birthday! Happy birthday Lance Bass!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

back from hibernation...

I don't like my job right now (the call center one)... I want to resign but I have a lot of vacation trips planned for the next few months so I have no choice but to stay. It sucks because getting a new job would mean cancelling my trips. And my vacations are important to me so I guess I'll just have to deal with it. *head desk*

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2010 and the year so far...

I know this is quiet late but what the heck! I might as well give it a shot since almost everyone did it. No harm in joining the bandwagon.

Year 2010 had been a great ride for me. It was a series of trials, happiness and anything in between. I'm grateful that although there were some financial difficulties, I was still able to overcome the trials I faced. Getting a part time job helped a lot and learning to finally handle my finances well made things better.

Of course, joining writing fests helped relieved my stress, so I guess i'll be joining more of these. It's great that I get to practice my writing skills and relax at the same time.

I am uncertain as to what 2011 will bring for me. I'm already feeling some disturbance in the peace at my workplace. But I know and believe that just like last year, I can weather all storms that life throws my way... with a little help from my family and friends.

Happy 2011! Here's to a prosperous and hopefully stress free year for all of us! Cheers!